What Is Another Phrase for Agreement

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When it comes to using more varied and nuanced language in your writing, it`s always helpful to have a diverse vocabulary at your disposal. One common word that can easily become overused is “agreement.” While it`s a perfectly valid and commonly used term, it`s always beneficial to have other options to choose from. Here are some alternative phrases that you can use to replace “agreement” in your writing.

1. Concurrence

Concurrence is a term that means to come to a mutual understanding or agreement on a particular matter. It is often used in legal and political contexts when multiple parties come together to reach an accord on a specific issue. The term is more formal than “agreement” and can lend a more professional tone to your writing.

Example: The two parties came to a concurrence on the terms of the contract.

2. Accord

Accord shares the same meaning as “agreement” and is another formal alternative to the term. It conveys a sense of harmony and mutual understanding between multiple parties.

Example: The accord between the two companies was met after months of negotiations.

3. Harmony

Harmony is a term that implies a sense of agreement or compatibility between two or more things. It can be used in a wide range of contexts, including music, art, and human relationships.

Example: The two countries are working towards a state of peace and harmony.

4. Consensus

Consensus refers to a general agreement among a group of people. It involves a decision-making process where each member of the group has reached a mutual understanding and agreement on a particular issue.

Example: After much debate, the committee reached a consensus on the best course of action.

5. Accordance

Accordance is a term that means in agreement or harmony with something else. It can be used to describe a situation where multiple factors or parties are working in conjunction with one another.

Example: The company`s actions were in accordance with their values and mission.

In conclusion, while “agreement” may be a commonly used term, there are numerous alternatives that you can use to add variety and sophistication to your writing. Each of the phrases listed above can adequately replace “agreement” in a sentence and enhance the overall impact of your message. By expanding your vocabulary and using varied phrasing, you can make your writing more professional and engaging.